How to Write a Japanese Resume

How to Write a Japanese Resume

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The job hunting process usually starts with writing a resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV) that’s customized to where you’re sending it. If your goal is to get a job in Japan, then you might be wondering how can you write a resume or CV that’s specific to Japanese companies. Then, you’ve come to the right place!

You Don’t Actually Need a Japanese Resume to Land A Job in Japan: Just The Right Kind of Help

To land a job in Japan, you don’t need a Japanese resume if you sign up with an agency such as FAST OFFER International. Instead, you will need a different set of requirements which a mentor will help you tweak specific to a Japanese company. A lot of Japanese companies looking to hire international talents work exclusively with agencies to help them deal with the special requirements needed by talents transitioning to a life in Japan.

Skipping Agency Assistance? Here’s How to Write a Japanese Resume On Your Own

If you want to approach companies on your own as an international talent, know that you will be competing with other local Japanese talent. Your communication skills will be compared to native Japanese speakers and they might not be equipped to handle your visa needs. If this is the route your taking, here’s what you need to know about writing a Japanese resume.

There are two essential documents that you must prepare: the “履歴書” (rirekisho) which is your Japanese resume and the “職務経歴書” (shokumu keirekisho). 

The “履歴書” is the Japanese version of a resume or curriculum vitae (CV), but it follows a slightly different format from English CVs or resumes. To avoid confusion, let me guide you through the process of creating a Japanese-style “履歴書.” 

Why is having a Japanese-Style Resume necessary? 

  • The particular style Japanese companies use for resumes help them quickly review the candidates’ backgrounds at a glance.
  • To understand their gaps in employment history and educational background in order to organize the necessary information for background checks and residency permit applications.
  • Human resources departments often keep them as personnel records.

Sample of a Japanese style resume
How to write a Japanese resume


  • Write your full name as it appears on your passport. 

Furigana (Write in either katakana or hiragana) 

  • Furigana: Write in hiragana 
  • Furigana for name: Write in katakana 


  • Attach a frontal photo of your face. 


  • Leave the applicable option (Male or Female). 
  • If none of the options apply or you prefer not to answer, delete both. 

Phone Number 

  • Include the country code followed by your phone number (e.g., +XX XXXX XXXX). 

Email Address 

  • Provide a contactable email address. 


  • Include as much address information as possible. In the case of overseas addresses, include the town name and post code. 


  • Start with the oldest and list them in chronological order. For example:
    • 20XX – XX Japan University, Japanese Language Department, Enrollment 
    • 20XX – XX Japan University, Japanese Language Department, Graduation 

Employment History 

  • List in chronological order, starting with the oldest. Separate the Employment and Resignation dates.  For example:  
    • 20XX – XX Japan Corporation, Employment 
    • 20XX – XX Japan Corporation, Resignation 
  • No need to provide detailed job descriptions. 
  • Write the company name in its official form, including “株式会社” or “Ltd., Co.”. 
  • Specify if it was an internship or part-time job. For example:  
    • 20XX – XX Japan Corporation, Employment (Part-time) 
    • 20XX – XX Japan Corporation, Resignation (Part-time) 

  Sample second page of a Japanese resume


  • List in chronological order, starting with the oldest. 
  • Provide the accurate name of the qualification.   For example:
    • 20XX – XX JLPT N2 Certification 

Self-Promotion (PR) 

  • Write a concise description of your work experience, studies, etc. 
  • Keep each sentence within 30 characters if possible. 
  • It’s also good to mention what you want to learn and how you want to advance your career. 


  • For individuals recognized as spouses in Japan. 


  • Indicate the number of people who depend on the applicant’s salary for their livelihood. 
  • This can include dependents living overseas, but proof of financial support may be required. 

Commute Time 

  • If residing in Japan, indicate the approximate commuting time from your current residence to the potential workplace. 
  • Not necessary if living overseas. 

Other (Indicate Special Information in Your Japanese Resume)

  • Include reasons for your application and any information that needs to be conveyed to the company due to religious reasons, etc. For example:
    • I perform prayer five times a day. I would appreciate having approximately 20 minutes for prayer during working hours. 
    • It would be desirable to have the option of remote work twice a week due to having children. 

Now: What To Do With Your Japanese Resume?

That’s all the explanation on how to create a Japanese resume. Let’s give it a try while using this as a reference.

Now where and how to submit it? FAST OFFER International can help you find the perfectly suited opportunities in Japan ASIA to JAPAN is partnered with. 

 If you want to learn about how to get a job in Japan, you can check out our career guide here for different countries. If self-studying is enough, you can consult with experts! FAST OFFER International has Career Advisors at FAST OFFER Mid-career who can assist you. Consult about working in Japan as a mid-career applicant here.

Your career in Japan is one click away!
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