FREE Japanese Language Program


FAST OFFER x Indonesia @UGM

Become fluent with a comprehensive Japanese language program with FAST OFFER & get a chance to work in Japan after the program!

  • If you already have an account sign up here

Please read the Program Details
indicated below before registering!

What is the aim of this program?

From Beginner Level → Intermediate Level

  • We aim to introduce the language to you that will take your language level from the beginning to the next level!
  • Our expert teachers will make sure that you are completely well-versed in basics (reading, listening, writing, and speaking) so that you can move smoothly to the next levels.
  • You will get a chance to interview for jobs in Japan for FREE!

What will I study?

  • Learn 4 basics of language development: Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening.
  • Develop a deep understanding of the basics, especially speaking since it is not covered in the Japanese Language Proficiency Test.
  • Learn Keigo and Japanese business manners 
  • Learn Japanese grammar & vocabulary used in a professional environment

Your Journey to Japanese Proficiency Begins Here

  • If you already have an account sign up here.

Who can join?

  • Active students studying at Universitas Gadjah Mada

  • Students majoring in Industrial, Aerospace, Data Science, Mechanical, Electrical, Informatics, Computer, Marine Engineering, Computer Science, Information Systems, and Master students in Biomedical Engineering.

  • Graduating in 2025-2026

  • Able to attend all of the classes until the end

  • Can speak English

What happens after the program?

  • After the program, we will help you start preparing for interviews with Japanese companies. 

  • Our teachers will mentor students, especially in skills such as describing their area of study, final year project, and the technique of Gyaku Shitsumon (asking questions about the company).
  • Depending on the Japanese language level, FAST OFFER will assist the students to land a job in Japan and start a new life in Japan!

Get Chosen by Major Global Japanese Companies!

Your Journey to Japanese Proficiency Begins Here

  • If you already have an account sign up here.

Program Details

Program Summary
This language program is sponsored by ASIA to JAPAN Co., Ltd., a company based in Tokyo, Japan with a mission to help international talents who want to work in Japan succeed. Under our FAST OFFER International program, you will be trained in language skills as well as mentored by our industry experts to help you polish interview skills for FREE and in addition, if you receive job offer from Japan, you have a chance to go to Japan for free!
N5 Level: 19 Feb 2024 – August 30th 2024
This program allows you to levels up your language skills from zero Japanese (N5) to Intermediate (N3) level. This is the first course for N5 level.
A fast-track program towards getting a job in JAPAN!
Class Level Glossary:
N5 = Beginner Class
N4 = Upper-Beginner Class
N3 = Intermediate Level
Important Notes:
Do NOTE that there will be an exam when leveling up to N4 and N3 to confirm if you can follow up with the class contents.

※Details provided after enrollment confirmation
Total duration
150 hours for the N5 level
150 hours for N4 and N3 level
Total 450 hours to complete the program geared towards job hunting in Japan!
3 times/week
Online @ ZOOM: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 19.00-20.40 WIB
Online via Zoom
Selection Process:
Document Screening
Submission Deadline
❗️February 15 2024, 23:59 WIB❗️
Announcement of Application Results
Delivered by February 16, 2024
※We will share your results as we process them.
※All of the Tuition Fees are paid by ASIA to JAPAN Co., Ltd.

NOTE: Material Costs for the textbook(s) may be applicable.
※You will need the textbook Minna no Nihongo Shokyu 1 for the N5 class.


FAST OFFER International is a program that helps university students who want to work in Japan after graduation. We specializes in training engineering students by offering free Japanese language courses to help them prepare for interviews with Japanese companies and living and working in Japan.


Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about the Japanese language program and FAST OFFER.

Yes, we will provide interview guidance, orientation, and necessary manual to help you prepare better for the interviews. Our career guidance experts and mentors also hold mock interview sessions so that you get enough practice before the final interviews. 

Yes, our main communication is through emails. Please check your junk/spam mailbox if you did not receive anything from us after applying. For more clarifications, please contact: [email protected]

Unleash Your Potential

Enroll in Our Japanese Language Program, Embrace Japan’s Unique Culture, and Position Yourself for Exciting Professional Endeavors in Japan!

  • If you already have an account sign up here.