Technological solutions firm

Department of Computer Science, University of Pune. Can communicate in Japanese if spoken to at a slow pace. A bright student. She likes Software development and is currently working on developing a paperless system using NCF chips in a group of 4. The project's currently in its design phase.



Savitribai Phule Pune University
Computer Science


As a child I grew up watching Anime. Later when I passed high school, I was introduced to Japanese by my aunt who herself is Japanese language teacher. I started learning Japanese language in 2015. While learning the language, it was not only language specific, but I got to know about all aspects of Japan. The more I got to know about Japan, the more I fell in love with this beautiful country and wished to travel to Japan and if possible, would like to work after my graduation. I was learning Japanese language as a hobby; but later in the last year of my Engineering I got to know about the “FAST OFFER International Program (formerly Study Go Work JAPAN Program)” from my Sensei and I enrolled in the program immediately. I visited Japan for interviews first time back in December 2018, but I did not pass any interviews in the December 2018 round. ASIA to JAPAN offered me second chance which was in April 2019, but even then, I was not able to crack any of the interview. As I failed twice, I was on the verge of giving up on the dream of working in Japan. I was then offered third chance which was my last chance in June 2019. This was the one where I was finally selected by the company, I am currently working in. Thanks to ASIA to JAPAN for always supporting. My Selection Process: The first step was to pass the screening interview with Mr. Sampei (ASIA to JAPAN’s Admin). This interview was basically to check my fluency in Japanese language, whether the research topic and the reason for working in Japan meets the criteria described for an individual who wishes to work in Japan. I also had to send a PR video to ASIA to JAPAN. The PR video was basically to give first impression of an individual; As we all know that first impression is the last impressions. I made the PR video very precisely including all aspects and manners an individual must possess when he/she will be working in Japan in the later future. The PR video mainly included self-introduction, research topic explained in short, and you can include more information, but keeping it precise and short.

After I passed the screening test, I was assigned a mentor (Mr. Kanbara), who helped me in understanding the working conditions of each company with whom I would be taking interviews. My mentor helped me in all possible ways right from how to give self-introduction during interviews to up building my resume and conversational Japanese skills. The mentor sessions proved to be very helpful as I was invited by 5 companies to have interview with during my first chance. Preparing for the interviews: One must start preparing for interviews right from the moment they apply for Job interviews. And as the interviews are conducted in Japanese; preparation beforehand is a must to convey our thoughts properly to the interviewers. The main questions revolve around our research topic, personality and the focus are on how does the individual thinks and reacts to the questions. Interview process: The whole process is divided into 3 days, we’re on day 1 you appear for the interviews with all companies by whom you are selected. At the end of day one, you receive emails from ASIA to JAPAN staff whether you have been selected for the next round. Day 2 is the second round of interviews and mostly the final round. If you are selected you receive the offer letter there itself, or sometimes some companies give the offer letter later during the company visit, which was in my case. Day 3 is the company visit, ASIA to JAPAN staff accompanies you halfway to make sure you are safe and fine. The company visit is mainly to know how company the is and note the location and take into consideration various things later when you will be working. You are also given a day free when you can travel, look around Tokyo and shopping and a farewell party is later hosted by ASIA to JAPAN which was fun.


Project Summary
IOT: Internet of Things に関する私の大学の四年目のプロジェクトがあります。
 •プロジェクトのテーマ名:NFC ペーパーレスシステ厶(NFC paperless system)
  NFC chipを利用してUnique Identificationについてこのプロジェクトを行います。

 •このシステ厶を利用してお医者さんは患者の情報を読みます。患者の情報は Cloud Storageに保存されています。患者はNFCチップをもっています。

 •NFC (Near Field Communication) チップを利用してシステ厶を開発します。


 •NFC (Near Field Communication)チップは人体に注射されます。NFC NTAG216 を使います。 NFC チップをscanするとき NFC API (Application Program Interface)を使います。
 •Scanningのあとで Unique ID が生成されます。Biznf と言うのは public cloud storage のことです。NFC チップに大事な情報と書類を保存されています。
 •このプロジェクトでは 3 Tier Architecture のデザインがあります。
  Front end – Android Application (User Interface)
  Middle tier – PHP connectivity
  Back end – Cloud server storage
 •データがNFCチップからcloudstorageに送るため JSON parsing を利用しています。
安全のためデータは Encrypted format のように保存されています。そのためAES – Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm のことを利用しています。

Waterfall modelのとおりにこのシステ厶を進めています。
 1.Operating system – Windows 95/98/2000/XP
 2.Application Server – Tomcat 5.0/6.X
 3.Front End – HTML, JavaScript, Java
 4.Server side Script – Java Server Pages
 5.Database Connectivity – MySQL
 6.Standard Internet connection – TCP/UDP connection

 1.NFC chip , NFC Reader.
 2.Processor – Pentium III
 3.Speed – 1.1 Ghz
 4.RAM – 1 GB(min)
 5.Hard Disk – 20 GB
 6.KeyBoard – Standard Windows Reader
 7。Power Supply

 •NFCチップを利用してチップの中のIDはスキャンするあとでcloudのdatabaseに保存した人々の情報はandroid applicationで読むことができます。
 •cloudの中で人々の全部情報は保存されています。例えば 病歴(Medical history), 犯罪歴(Criminal Reocrd), 個人情報 (Personal information).
 •とくにCommon User、お医者さんとadminのためにAndroidアプリケーションを開発しています。このプロジェクトのandroid applicationは終わりました。

 1. Android Studio IDE
 2. JDK 1.8
 3. PHP
 4. Server Storage

 •このシステ厶では人々の大事な情報をCloud Storageに保存されているので、情報の書類をもって行かなくてもいいです。


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