Equipment development service for manufacturing and distribution

Graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The graduation project is a “semi-automatic cam contour tester”, and is interested in a wide range of fields such as automation, 3D design, robotics, and IT technology. After graduating from university, he achieved high grades in the design competition of Dassault Systèmes, and is currently working on product development for clients using Ruby as an intern at ASIA to JAPAN. Faithful and gentle personality.

What the company thought:The skills and basic social skills developed through internships, a very high level of motivation despite having never been to Japan, and good communication skills were highly evaluated.



Savitribai Phule Pune University
Mechanical Engineering


When I was a kid, I used to watch Japanese Television programs. There was even a time when I didn’t watch anything else but the NHK World channel!
At that time, my interest in Japan and the Japanese culture grew a lot.
The seeds of this ‘Japan Dream’ also got planted in my head during this period.
I used to dream about working in a Japanese company, that too while being in Japan.
Years went by, and I kept searching for ways to realize this dream. There were some opportunities, but those seemed either inaccessible or impractical at that time.
And the exact moment when I needed it the most, I came to know about ASIA to JAPAN’s FAST OFFER International Program (formerly Study Go Work JAPAN Program)!
That is when I truly began this journey towards realizing my dream of working in Japan.
Through the FAST OFFER Int’l Program, I got the opportunity to learn the Japanese language and the Japanese culture from absolutely the best teachers.
Due to this program, I was able to learn the Japanese language alongside engineering studies.
After my graduation, I kept learning and preparing for the interviews.
Unfortunately, at that time, due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, as the whole world almost ceased to function, the FAST OFFER Int’l Program also had to be paused temporarily.
But thanks to the steady support from my teachers, I neither gave up the efforts nor the focus.
I didn’t give up on my efforts and the dream, and my teachers and ASIA to JAPAN made sure that this endeavor doesn’t go in vain.
Due to the pandemic, we couldn’t go to Japan to give the interviews in-person. But thanks to the efforts of ASIA to JAPAN, I could participate in the placement rounds online.
Even during the pandemic, by making the whole process digital, ASIA to JAPAN ensured that the students like me would not lose valuable time of their careers.
During the whole process, I got enormous help from everyone from ASIA to JAPAN.
Kawai san helped me a lot during the initial process of getting ready for the interviews. This mainly included checking my conversational skills and the overall preparation. She also helped me with the initial interviews that I attempted for.
I also got the opportunity to participate in a lecture series conducted by Oikawa Sensei. This helped me gain confidence and relearn some techniques of learning the language.
I was privileged to get mentored by Suzuki san in one-to-one mentor sessions. He has made tremendous efforts to prepare me for the interviews. He helped me correct the mistakes that I was making and how I presented my appeal points.
Grace san has always been there whenever I needed any help. May that be the interview schedule or any of the other notices/activities.

I got multiple chances to appear for at the interviews during this whole process. Despite my initial struggle, neither did I gave up my commitment nor did ASIA to JAPAN.

This February, I got the opportunity to participate in the FAST OFFER Int’l Event again. I got to appear for the interviews with Teraoka Seiko. Kojima san aided and guided me during the entire process.
She helped me with the mock interviews to prepare myself and get used to the interview’s experience.
Fortunately, due to everyone’s efforts, I could clear this interview and received the joining offer from Teraoka Seiko!
I am immensely grateful for all the guidance, support, resources, and time that ASIA to JAPAN has invested in me to help me actualize this dream.
During this whole endeavor, the most precious thing that I have gained is the privilege to be part of the internship program sponsored by ASIA to JAPAN.
Even during this pandemic which caused many to lose their jobs, give up on their goals, and face an uncertain future, I was truly privileged to get this opportunity.
This internship has helped me hugely to help set my career path.
I got to work on an actual commercial project, acquire new technical skills, interact with Japanese clients daily and gain valuable experience.
I cannot think of any better start one can have for their career.
During this time, I made mistakes and got valuable lessons from those; These also made me realize my strengths and weaknesses. These learnings from the internship will help me navigate the career path ahead.
I have many thanks to express to the whole team that I worked on this internship’s project with. Without the help that I’ve received from all of them, I wouldn’t have grown technically this much, got the job offer, or prepare myself for the professional world.
I am forever grateful for this opportunity that my teachers, Sanpei san himself, and the ASIA to JAPAN team entrusted me with.
I take this opportunity to say thank you to every teacher that has helped me reach this far. And also, to every one of ASIA to JAPAN, Kawai san, Jia Hui san, Grace san, Cai san, Watanabe san, Louis san, Aoji san, Kojima san, and Sanpei san himself for investing their time and efforts for making all of this possible for me.
I wholeheartedly wish, hope, and pray that every aspiring student/applicant to this program gets to be this fortunate and becomes able to materialize his/her dreams.


題名: 半自動カム輪郭試験機
目的: 色々な機械にあるカム軸の複数のカムのプロファイルを一度にチェックすること
1. カムファイルを測定するため:ダイヤルゲージ
2. ダイヤルゲージのポジションを記録するため: ポジション検知器
3. ダイヤルゲージの動きを制御するために電気モーターが使用されています。
4.「アルズノ」という 電子制御ボード。これはポジション検知器と電気モータの制御に使用されています。
5. ダイヤルゲージから読み出したデータをデジタルグラフに処理して化するため:数値解析ソフトウェア
6. 出力グラフを表示するため:コンピューターを使用されています。
1. テストしたいカム軸を 清掃して試験機に入れて置きます。
2. プログラムには軸のモデルを選択して試験機の電源を入れます。
3. ダイヤルゲージが自動的に最初のカムの拠点に移動します。
4. そこに到達したら、ポジション検知器はそれを検出して、電子ボードに命令を 送信します。
5. 次に、軸が定義された回転速度で回転し始まります。
6. その後、ダイヤルゲージがカムプロファイルを測定してそれをコンピュータに送信します。
7. 一回転したら、 カム軸の回転が止まります。
8. その後で、ダイヤルゲージは次のカムの拠点に移動します。
9. もう一度、同じ過程が行われます。
10. 全てのカムが測定するのが終わったら, テストが完了したということです。
1. このプロジェクトで、手動方法のより最も迅速で正確に確認することが可能になりました。
2. 開発された試験機は他の営利的な機械ほど高価でないです。
3. この試験機は操作や保守やアップグレードが必要な際にも簡単です。
1. チームワークの意義:チームが小さい場合、全員が異質な課題を向かいます。
2. エラーはすぐに解決しないと解決が難しくなり、完了に必要な時間が不必要に長くなります。
1. 現在の電子制御ボードは、さらに強力な代替品にアップグレードできます。
2. 別個なコンピュータを使うことの代わりに画面は機械で統合したら便利になります。


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