Greetings… こんにちは… வணக்கம்…
After completing my Bachelor’s degree in Automotive Engineering and JLPT N3 exam, I was searching for a job in Japan. I got to know about FAST OFFER International Program (formerly Study Go Work JAPAN Program) event organized by ASIA to JAPAN Co. from my Japanese language school. At first, the “FAST OFFER Int’l” sounded too good to be true. Still, I applied for the FAST OFFER Int’l event. The next day, I received a communication from FAST OFFER Int’l that my profile is good and was asked to take a preliminary interview. The interviewer asked about my university projects and assessed my Japanese level. I passed the interview and I got assigned to a mentor. He guided me through the résumé and interview preparation. My profile was forwarded to the companies participating in the FAST OFFER Int’l event. I got selected and was invited to come to Japan to take the interviews with the companies directly. I received the air tickets from FAST OFFER Int’l, they guided me in the visa process too. It was so smooth and simple.
I started to prepare about the companies under the guidance of my mentor. ASIA to JAPAN Staff received me at the airport. Even after reaching Tokyo, my preparations continued, and I took mock interviews the day before the event. I cleared the first interview round of two companies, namely Kubota Co. and Murakami Kaimeido Co.. I was invited to attend the second round of interview at their respective headquarters.
My return flight had to be cancelled and my stay in Japan got extended for another couple of days. I took a Shinkansen Bullet train from Tokyo to Osaka to take the interview at Kubota HQ. The Shinkansen ticket and return flight from Osaka’s Kansai international airport were taken care of by FAST OFFER Int’l. Unfortunately, I didn’t clear the interview.
The second round at Murakami was scheduled at a later date. So, I returned home and got to come to Japan once again. Murakami Kaimeido’s HQ is in Shizuoka city. I took the Shinkansen Bullet train from Tokyo to Shizuoka to take the second round. Shinkansen and Flight tickets were taken care of by FAST OFFER Int’l. This time, I cleared the interview and received a job offer from Murakami Kaimeido Co..
I am deeply grateful to ASIA to JAPAN staff, for helping me to achieve my dream of getting a job in Japan. Everything I thought too good to be true were indeed TRUE. Free flight, accommodation and importantly guidance and mentorship.
To everyone yearning to work in Japan, I strongly recommend FAST OFFER Int’l as your path to success. Put in your hard work and ASIA to JAPAN staff will surely guide you to achieve your goals.
Thank you… ありがとう… நன்றி…
チームリーダ: マリアアントニ「MARIA ANTONY F」
学部 : 自動車学部
期間 : 2018 年 12 月 ― 2019 年 04 月
• 車とユーザーの中が繋がりを確立し、車が盗難中にユーザーに通知できるようにします。
• ユーザーが車をリモートで停止できるようにします。
• ユーザーが車の座標を知ることができるようにします。
• 車が始動するたびに、システムは「ARE U DRIVING ???」と言うSMSを車のオーナーの携帯電話に送信します。
• オーナーが不正なエントリと判断した場合、システムに「Stop」と言うSMSをリモートで送信して、車を停止できます。
• オーナーの携帯電話からの返信を受け取ると、システムはイグニッションシステムからバッテリーを切断して車のエンジンを停止します。
• 尚、システムは現在の車の座標を、「GPS READING:Latitude:….., Longitude:……」と言うSMSをオーナーに送信します。
• 不正なエントリした人がもう一度車を始動することはできません。
• 座標を使用して、オーナーは車の位置に到達できます。
• もう一度車を始動するために、オーナーが「RESET」と言うSMSを送信する必要があります。
• これで、オーナーが車を始動できます。
システムはチェンナイのパマルと言う場所に運ばれてテストが行われました。 システムとオーナーの携帯電話の中で送受信されたメッセージを以下に示しました。
車両盗難防止システムの開発と実装が正常に完了しました。 このシステムを使用すると、SMSで車のエンジンを制御できます。GPSモジュールを使用して車両測位システムが統合されました。 取得した座標がGoogleマップに入力されると、車の位置がみつかります。
This project presents a system to make vehicle thefts almost impossible. GSM and GPS technologies are used for this purpose. The functionality is achieved by sending an SMS to the vehicle owner’s number whenever the engine is switched on. If the owner finds it to be an unauthorized entry, he can remotely switch off the ignition by sending an SMS back to the system. On the reception of the SMS the system cuts off the battery supply to ignition system. The vehicle cannot be ignited back on again. Using GPS, the system sends the current location of the vehicle to the driver. Once the driver reaches the vehicle’s location, he can send an SMS to the system to connect the battery supply back to the ignition system.
Now the vehicle can be driven off by the owner.