Japanese material-handling equipment company

A science student who belongs to PVG College, which is a high-ranking computer science major in Pune University, India. Experienced in developing multi-user e-commerce websites on university projects. She has prepared a portal for plant managers, sellers, and purchasers for seedlings, and has a program so that everything can be completed within one website, in order to record the purchase, customer management, and sales of plants. It can be created all at once. The website uses MySQL for the database, HTML / CSS / JavaScript for the front end, and PHP for the back end. Also, since this project was carried out by four people, not only did they improve their technical knowledge through the project, but they also learned how to work as a team and how important it is. In addition, she has basic knowledge of AI and machine learning, so her graduation research is planning a “smart charging system for electric vehicles utilizing IoT” that makes use of them. She has a cheerful personality, and the appearance of smiling and smart way of talking leaves a good impression. You can expect multiple activities as an IT engineer.



Savitribai Phule Pune University
Computer Science


When I started Engineering, I wanted to learn a foreign language as I knew that both of these skills make a good combination in order to get exposure to jobs abroad. I was looking for various languages when I came across the orientation program of FAST OFFER International Program (formerly Study Go Work JAPAN Program). There I had my 日本語と出会い moment. I was totally fascinated by the language and the job opportunities for Engineers in Japan! Then my journey of Japanese education started with Japanese Language Program sponsored by ASIA to JAPAN under the FAST OFFER Int’l program. I found Japanese a little bit difficult in the beginning, but I gradually fell for the language and the Japanese culture which made everything interesting and fun. 先生方 at the Japanese Language Program never failed to make Japanese, ‘a fun language’ to learn. I completed my N5 and N4 level studies, and halfway through the N3 level, I became eligible for the job interview process. Once I cleared a mock interview with the 先生 at Japanese Language Program and the document screening, I needed to prepare for a Skype interview with the admin of the ASIA to JAPAN staff. This interview was to ensure that my basic Japanese skills were good enough to face the actual interviews of the companies, whether I have clear knowledge about what I am studying and my research, and my reasons behind opting for Japan to start my career. I passed this interview, too! Next, I needed to prepare a PR video that was supposed to be sent to various companies for the first-stage screening. As this video was going to be my ultimate chance to make a very nice first impression on the company, I talked precisely about who I am and my reasons behind wanting to work in Japan. After the submission of the PR video, I got my very first invitation for the interview from a company and I was immediately assigned a mentor from ASIA to JAPAN who constantly guided me throughout the process. As it was my first time to face an interview with a Japanese company, I was excited and scared at the same time. The mentor made sure that I am fully prepared for the interview and had no doubts left unresolved. I cleared their first interview but unfortunately didn’t pass the second round. Then, I got an invitation from another company. Again, after a number of mentoring sessions from ASIA to JAPAN, I cleared the first two rounds of interviews but had no luck with the last one, and I didn’t get their offer either. After waiting for 2 long months, I got an invitation from a Japanese material- handling and equipment company and I was very happy as I wanted to work in a global environment which this company provides. The mentor session before the interviews helped a lot and thankfully, I cleared all the interviews! I was on cloud nine when I got the mail from ASIA to JAPAN informing me about my placement. Due to the pandemic, all the interviews were held online, but the staff of ASIA to JAPAN always made sure that everything was going smoothly. Each and every time, the assigned mentors gave tips about how to make a good impression through the medium-sized laptop screen and how to convey my strong feelings about wanting to work with the company, which helped me ace the interviews. I am utterly thankful towards all the 先生方 at my Japanese class, 河合さん, 赤羽根さん, 奥村さん, 青地さん, 富田さん, 小島さん, グレイスさん and all other mentors of Asia to Japan for helping me make my biggest dream come true!


このウェブサイトのフロントエンドはエイチ・ティー・エム・エル(HTML)とシー・エス・エス(CSS)とジャバスクリプト(JavaScript)を使って開発しました。バックエンドはピー・エイチ・ピー(PHP)を使って開発しました。ウェブサーバーとしてアパッチウェブサーバー(Apache Web Server)を利用しました。データベースとしてマイエスキュウエル(MySQL)を利用しました。


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