I had always wanted to visit Japan for a long time since my father worked for Toyota motors and he too loved and respected Japan. He used to say, “Japanese products may be a little expensive but you can trust their quality forever”. As I grew up, I learned Japanese business etiquette like the lean six sign and 5S techniques which greatly influenced me to be the engineer I am today. Other than that, like many of this generation, I was partly influenced by animes from Doraemon to One piece. My initial goal was to go to Japan as a student and study Japanese while interacting with the natives but due to the Pandemic, it was not possible. After waiting for more than a year I was on the verge of giving up. But my friends with whom I studied Japanese encouraged me to keep studying Japanese and search for jobs. But even then, it was hard to continue. I had applied for so many different companies in Japan that I lost track and most of the job applications were rejected. During this time one of my friends suggested me Apply for ASIA to JAPAN. After applying I immediately got a reply for the first screening interview where I spoke to Kojima-san who explained to me the process and asked me about my preferences and skills. A few months passed by but even during this time I was getting regular updates from ASIA to JAPAN on the Job situation which I was thankful for even though the mail was that there were no companies that were available for me during that time. But one fine day I received a mail saying I have been shortlisted by a company and the interview process would start shortly. All the mails were clear and concise with proper instructions and timelines on how and by when to complete a task. I was also assigned an amazing mentor Nobu-san who helped me at every step of the way. I have no words to express how meticulous and thorough the training was from making the FYP PPT to preparing for the most commonly asked questions. I was able to be fully prepared for the interview. The tricks and techniques by the mentor that greatly helped me were the 3S- Smile, Simple, and Sympathy. I believe this training played a huge role in me being able to clear my first ever interview with a Japanese company. I am ever so grateful to the ASIA to JAPAN team for helping me get my dream job in Japan. I look forward to working in Japan.
そこで、安全性を高めながら、両方の弱点を解消できるドローンを作ることを考えました。 垂直方向と水平方向に着陸でき、固定翼機の耐久性も備えたドローンを作ることを目指しました。
ドローンの最大重量と寸法をエアロフォイルで選択した後、Solidworksを使用してドローンの設計を開始しました。 ドローンはバルサ材とフォームを使用して製造されました。 使用した電子機器は、1400KVBLDCモーターと980KVBLDCモーター、および10インチのプロペラでした.
寒い状況では、ドローンの飛行時間はほぼ14分まで大幅に増加します。 これはおそらくモーターの冷却が原因です。 したがって、モーターマウントにヒートシンクを取り付けることで、ドローンの飛行時間をさらに長くすることができます。