a multinational automotive parts manufacturing company

A student majoring in electronics at Savitribai Phule Pune University. He has hardware and software and is interested in embedded systems. As a project, he is designing and manufacturing a portable attendance confirmation input device using fingerprint authentication as an anti-proxy system. Always interested in new things and a wide range of fields, he is also active in learning Japanese. He is a JLPT N3 holder and is currently studying to pass N2.



Savitribai Phule Pune University
Electronics and Telecommunication


I started learning Japanese as an extra-circular activity. Soon as I progressed, I started enjoying the language and thought if I could include Japanese in my mainstream. Sometime later, I got to know about FAST OFFER International Program (formerly Study Go Work JAPAN Program) and I came to know about the opportunities for freshers in Japan. For me, this was the turning point and Japanese was no more only an extra-circular thing. Now there was a goal, there was a purpose to this activity, and I had found my direction.

After achieving the minimum required Japanese qualification, the gates of this program opened for me and I started preparing for the upcoming round. There is a short process which follows making of PR video, guidance through mentoring sessions, resume building and document screening for the shortlisting of candidates for the final interview round. I smoothly cleared the process and was set to participate in the final interview round in JAPAN. Yes! My First time to Japan. The Land of Dreams for every Japanese language aspirant.

The final round is altogether the best part of this program. The interviewers are very friendly, and it doesn’t feel as an interview as such. I would rather call it an ‘interactive session’ than an interview. However, clearing the final round needs a very precise and thorough preparation. The results are announced on the same day and if selected, Offer Letter is handed over there itself.
The next day is company visit where in you get to see the company, their major products and many more things. For this entire day, company takes care of all the expenses.

Talking more about the jobs in Japan, they are very much domain specific and include IT jobs as well as core domain jobs. Also, the interviews for these jobs focus more on the process and ability of the candidate rather than the past grades and performances. I don’t remember carrying a single marksheet or certificate for the interview and never did the interviewers asked for that. You just have to prove Yourself and not your grades. Yes, that’s Japan, where Excellence is the key to Success.
The interviewers asked me about my university project for the technical round and other general HR questions for HR round. Finally, I was selected by 2 companies out of which I had to choose one. It was a wonderful experience, coming across new things and learning a lot from those. That’s all about the interviews.

Apart from that, there is ample of free time when nearby sightseeing is possible. I visited many famous places in Tokyo, tried some authentic Japanese food, walked into brand stores including the Mega Pokémon Centre at Sunshine City Mall in Ikebukuro, did lot of shopping and almost everything that was on my wish list particularly for this trip.

All this was possible because of this program and ASIA to JAPAN’s amazing team. They ensured everything went smoothly and there was absolutely NO inconvenience caused during my stay in Japan. And yes, all this with almost zero cost.
To share an experience, during October 2019, a typhoon hit Japan and flights were cancelled at the last moment where in our flight for that day was also cancelled. It was almost midnight by then and hence difficult to travel back home and again back to the airport the next day. The thing is this program specifically includes round fare tickets and accommodation in Japan. But on explaining this scenario to ASIA to JAPAN and they promptly made arrangements for 10 of us in a nearby hotel in our home country itself.

Currently, though the selection process is over, I will continue studying Japanese till I join the company. Meanwhile, I also made a lot of friends from India and other countries too; all because of this program. Thank you, all the teachers, ASIA to JAPAN team, mentors, and company people for this wonderful opportunity. Really looking forward to this first overseas job.


1. 誤った出席を避くることです。
 - インドの大学で七十五パーセントの出席は必要です。
 - 学生は友達に頼んで、代わりに返事をしてもらい、出席を登録します。
 - 例えば:AさんとBさんは友達です。今度の授業にAさんは来ません。出席確認の時Bさんは自分の登録 番号を呼ばれたら‘はい’と言って、出席をしていることを報告します。それに加えてAさんの登録番号を呼ばれてもBさんはAさんのかわりに‘はい’と言って出席の報告をします。学生がおおぜい出席している時先生がこのような不正なことが分からないかもしれません。

2. 出席を取るための時間を削減することです。
 - 名前を呼ばれて出席を紙で登録することが毎授業10分ぐらいかかります。その時間を節約することです。

3. 出席は長い間保つことです。
 - 先生は授業の出欠を一枚の紙でメモしておきます。もし、その紙を無くなればメモした出席も無くなります。
 - 出席はパソコンで登録して、保つことができます。

2.組み込みシステム(embedded system)に関係するバイオメトリクスと同じシステムですが、これは携帯システムです。
3.はじめにインタネットと取扱書でバイオメトリクスシステムはどのように作業 するか、それを勉強しました。そしてプロティアス(Proteus)と言うソフトウェアを使って自分のシステムをデザインしました。そのデザインは実験用回路版にやってみて電気回路の実働を確認しました。そしてそのデザインは印刷回路版を行なって他の部品も接続しました。ハードウェアシステムを完了してそのシステムをプログラミングしました。それでそのシステムが出来上がりました。 

4. 使い方が簡単です。4つのボタンを順番に押すと登録が完了するようになります。

[← これはその機器の写真です。]

 - 大学でーつの学期に渡って一つの科目は40時間ぐらいを与えられます。
 - 紙で出欠を取ることが毎授業10分ぐらいかかります。
 - それは学期に渡って400分、つまり7時間ぐらいになります。
 - このシステムを使って、一人の学生で2秒しかかかりません。


 - 人の指紋がユニークから生徒たちは他の生徒の出席することがぜんぜんできません。

 - 指をセンサーに置くと出席は自動的にパソコンで記録できるので間違えることもありません。

1. このプロジェクトで作った組み込みシステムは今までした勉強に関係するので、勉強に加えて、ハードウェアとソフトウェア仕事について経験を集まりました。

2. グループプロジェクトでしたので、私は一番したことがプログラミングでした。全てのハードウェアはプログラミングしてシステムと接続しました。

3. 組め込みシステムで、プログラミングによって色々な部品を接続する方法を学びました。

4. このようなレベルの高いプロジェクトは初めてでしたからたくさん間違えることがありました。ふくざつなデザインでしたから最初はよくできませんでしたので私たちはたくさんミスをしました。システムデザインの本を読んで、先生と先ぱいに手伝っていただいて、ミスを直して正しいデザインをしました。


Motive of Project:
1.Avoid the false attendance.
 - In India, 75% attendance is a mandatory criteria in all the colleges.
 - To comply with this, students ask their friends to mark the attendance when they are not present for the lecture.
 - As there are too many students, the teacher might not come to know about this.

2.Reduce the time required to take attendance.
 - Marking the attendance by calling out each student’s name requires around 10minutes. The motive is to reduce the this time.

3.Maintain the attendance record for a longer duration of time.
 - The teacher records the attendance on a single sheet of paper. If that paper is misplaced then there is no way to recover that attendance.

1.A small device based on the technology of identifying a person from biometric authentication was made as a part of this project.

2.The device is based on an embedded system similar to a biometric attendance system. However it is a portable device.

3.Firstly, we studied the functioning of a normal biometric system through the internet and biometric system manuals. Then using Proteus software, we designed our own system and implemented it on breadboard. After confirming the circuit parameters and its working, we implemented the same design on a printed circuit board and connected other components as well. As the hardware set up was ready, the entire system was programmed using Arduino software.

4.The device is easy to use. There are four buttons that provide functionality.
 Button 1: Fingerprint registration mode
 Button 2 and 3: Traverse between next and previous registration ID
 Button 4: Confirm the registration

1.To reduce the time required for taking attendance
 - For a single semester, each subject is allocated around 40hours.
 - Marking the attendance on paper requires around 10 minutes of time for each lecture.
 - 10 minutes per lecture equals to around 400 minutes throughout the semester which is around 7 hours.
 - By using this system, one student requires only 2 seconds to record the attendance. Teacher will carry this system to class and circulate among the students. Students will record their attendance at their own place itself. As there is no need for teacher to mark attendance on paper, the 10 minutes will be saved.

2.Marking other person’s attendance is not possible
 - As the fingerprint of each person is unique, students will not be able to record other students’ attendance.

3. With this system, there is no probability of error.
 - As students place the finger on sensor, the attendance is automatically recorded in the computer. Hence there is no chance of mistake.

1.The project is based on the things that we learnt so far. By implementing that knowledge through an embedded system, we not only learnt new things but also gained hands-on experience by working with hardware and software.

2.This was a group project in which, the programming part was done by me. All the various components were programmed and connected to the system.

3.The correct method of connecting various components together through software program was learnt.

4.It was the first time that we made such high level project from scratch which is why there were lot of things where we went wrong. As the design was complicated, we made lot of mistakes in that. After reading the system design book, with the help of seniors and teachers, we were able to make the correct design.

5.While programming the system, we got to know that the fingerprint sensor module requires a special library to function. On searching the internet, lot of libraries related to this sensor were found. Even after installing and testing various libraries the sensor was not functioning as required. We contacted our seniors who had made a project using this kind of sensor and with their help got the solution to our problem.


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