Financial web service company

A student of Malaysia’s top computer science major at Malaysian Institute of Technology. The theme of the graduation project was “Remote collaboration between augmented reality and virtual reality in mobile games”, and I created an android app using Unity. As an intern at a Malaysian IT company, she has practical experience such as creating iOS apps using Swift and working on APIs for web pages using C# and MySQL.



Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Computer Science


I have had various experiences in my life, as the word “Tsukimansho, Gyomari-ro” has been handed down in China. I have stayed in Japan for two weeks in the past to attend a summer school at Tokai University. Also, while I was in college, I took a Japanese class and continued to study for the JLPT. During my internship, my desire to work in Japan became stronger. After completing the internship, I returned to university and studied Japanese further in preparation for the acquisition of JLPT N4.

I was encouraged by a Japanese language class teacher and started thinking about finding a job in Japan in earnest, so I decided to apply for FAST OFFER International Program (formerly Study Go Work JAPAN Program) of ASIA to JAPAN. At first, I was worried about my Japanese level, but I decided to take on the challenge. Surprisingly, ASIA to JAPAN contacted me on the day I applied and told me why I wanted to work in Japan and why I would like to write in Japanese about the final year project at my university. I thought hard, asked a Japanese teacher for guidance, and thought about the text. Immediately after sending the text, I passed the first screening and was to undergo a Skype interview for the second screening. I started practicing Japanese conversation for the Skype interview. At the Skype interview, we talked about why we want to work in Japan, the final year project, and what kind of company we want to work for. After the Skype interview, I started making a PR video to send to the company I wanted. Later, I was told that I had been asked to interview by several companies. Prior to the interview in Japan, an online test with each company was set up. The questions are mainly my specialty, Programming and It was related to Mathematics. There were some companies that couldn’t be interviewed because their Japanese ability wasn’t enough, but in the end, I was able to choose from three companies. Due to the spread of the coronavirus, I was not able to go to Japan for an interview, but an interview was conducted using Zoom. Thanks to the cooperation of ASIA to JAPAN student mentors, I was able to answer the questions without being nervous during the interview. I anticipated and prepared for the questions that might be asked during the interview. Each interview lasted about 30 minutes and was interviewed by three companies in one day. I was able to get a job offer from one company I wanted. After that, I had a meeting with ASIA to JAPAN and the host company, and I was able to hear about job offers and salaries.

If you have a student who wants to work in Japan, don’t give up just because you are not confident in Japanese. I will start working for a Japanese company in April 2021. I can’t say that I was able to fully master Japanese while I was in college. Still, I took a step forward. I am very much looking forward to working in Japan from now on.

Finally, I would like to thank ASIA to JAPAN. Thank you very much. I’m really looking forward to working in Japan.


私の専門は コンピュータサイエンスの グラフィックスと マルチメディア ソフトウェアです。この専門からSystemとWebの開発ことを勉強しました。さらに、AndroidアプリとIOSアプリの開発することが少しあります。Web のAPIとDevExtremeとAngularJSも経験があります。

授業にいろいろな プログラミング言語を貰いました。例えば、C++, C#, Java, MySQL, JavaScript, PHP。プログラミングテクニックも勉強しました。Swiftは インターンシップの時に習いました。グラフィクスの授業では ゲームや拡張現実や仮想現実やOpenCVやOpenGLなどを習いました。Projectは大体Unity3Dで 携帯とPCのゲームを作ります。

→ 研究テーマは REMOTE COLLABORATION BETWEEN AUGMENTED AND VIRTUAL REALITY WITH MOBILE GAMEです。この研究は 同時に 拡張現実(Augmented Reality)と 仮想現実(Virtual Reality)が一緒に働くことができるというものです。Remote collaborationの意味は 二人が 離れた場所で 同時に 遊ぶことができるということです。

これは Androidの携帯のゲームです。このゲームは 携帯で 拡張現実と 仮想現実で 遊べます。しかし 一人は拡張現実で ほかの一人は 仮想現実だけで 遊べます。拡張現実のプレーヤーの入力は タッチスクリーンを使用しますが、仮想現実のプレーヤーの入力は 視線入力をします。

このゲームはチェスゲームとメモリカードゲーム(神経衰弱)です。さらにUnityのSDKとも使用できます。ゲームの物の色とゲームの物のテクスチャーと 選択ヒントの物の色はプレーヤーの好きなものに変えられます。

→ この研究の理由は二人は 離れた場所にあっても拡張現実から仮想現実まで情報を共有することができる一方、反対のこともできます。一つのインタフェースーだけなければ 二人のインタラクションが 強化しました。最後に 二人のインタラクションができますから、いるところから旅行しないで旅行にいった気持ちになれるから、この研究は役立つとおもいます。この研究テーマはほかの研究者はやりました。しかし私はこの研究を新し発展しました。

→ 他の研究者の 記録いろいろを読みました。先輩の研究も参考しました。このゲームは Unity3Dで 発展します。ARのインタフェースーはVuforiaを使いますがVRのインタフェースーはGoogle Cardboardを使います。拡張現実と仮想現実のインタラクションはPhoton Networkingを使います。

→ 現在の結果のビデオリンク:

→ このprojectから、ARとVRの知識を貰いました。このprojectの結果は正しいです。しかし、ハードウエアの制限のため VRの入力は 視線入力を使いますだけ。ARとインタラクションの時に ちょっと ゆっくりです。選択の時に 少し時間を待って要ります。ほかのハードウエアを使った方がいい。


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