supplier of weighing and packaging equipment for trade, industries, and logistics.

A woman majoring in computer science at Savitribai Phule Pune University. In her graduation research, she is working on creating an IoT-enabled hospital bed in preparation for a pandemic. A system that can immediately notify doctors and nurses of abnormalities by automatically performing medical checks and saving them in the cloud. Working with MySQL, HTML, Android development, Python, and C++.



Savitribai Phule Pune University
Computer Science


My Japanese learning journey started about two years back. In my 2nd year of Engineering, I had an Audit course in which there was Japanese Language was a foreign language. Attending these lectures I got interested in Japanese three scripts, technology, culture, etc. And, I also got to know that in my 専攻 “Computer science” engineering field plenty of job opportunities therefore, I decided to learn Japanese from scratch and decided to work in JAPAN only as its having safety, Job security, and to experience Japan’s four 四季.
I invested the lockdown and the pandemic period to learn Japanese by joining Japanese classes which were completely online. Because of this class, I got to know about the Study Go Work JAPAN program. With a desire to work in Japan, my learning speed got increased, and started learning Japanese with great enthusiasm. Teachers were also very kind taught Japanese in a fun-loving way and always talked about how the Japanese talk, their 働き方, culture, etc.

The journey starts While I was studying at the N3 level my graduation was in 2022 so I was eligible for the initial mock rounds with sensei. At first, I failed but after practicing answers and kaiwa with my friends, I could speak and understand basic Japanese and passed the mock interview. Once the mock interview with sensei was done, I had a Skype interview with ASIA to JAPAN staff. This interview mainly focuses on whether we can understand or speak basic Japanese. Successfully after passing the Skype round, immediately documentation was there as in the Summary of your research, a Document of your research or FYP (in PDF), an Essay on “Why I want to work in Japan” and a 1-minute PR video. The next step was to give an actual interview with the Japanese companies.
To my profile, many matches were coming but every time either Japanese or technical was the reason for getting rejected. So I thought to analyze mistakes to overcome them. Doing this side by side I was taking one of the staff’s Japanese practice sessions from April 2022. She was so kind always explained things in simple ways and showed the correct way. Then I started passing the company’s 1st interviews.

In May I was selected by a company and one of the staff members helped me in making my best PPT in which all my strengths and selling points i.e for both technically and personality were there.
After that one company approached in May. The first company was having briefings and then interviews. They had given me the best orientation session in which all points regarding interviews, doubts, preparation, etc were properly covered. Due to this, my 1st interview got cleared. Then on 2nd day of the interview, all preparation for the interview was ready but, I was a little nervous then before the interview it was their words “Tanmayiさんはしっかり準備してきていらっしゃれますし、リラックスして、面接を楽しみましょう” gave me a lot of support and confidence.
But, unfortunately, I couldn’t pass the last round of these companies. After this, I couldn’t get a match for my profile for 3 months. Within this month I made my Japanese strong than had taken JLPT, talked to seniors, and also talked to Sampei san one to one and discussed my problem of not getting a match for the company in September when Sampei San come to Pune. His words, “You have reached till last round of such a great Japanese-based tractor and heavy equipment manufacturing company it means that you can get an offer for coming next company”, these words of Sampei san gave me a ray of hope that I can also get an offer and work in Japan.
After 3 months in November, I got matches from 2 companies. I had decided to give my 100% no matter what the result came good or bad but I will give with this goal I started preparation for the company. This time my mentor was a great and kind person, he told me every minute thing which I need to focus on and also took practice interviews to point out the key points which needed to be corrected. They took my orientation and helped me a lot.
The first interview was with the screening company in which I had cleared the first interview and then on another day, the Final interview was with the CEO and other managers. After the interview result came in the 7th min which was Pass. I was on cloud nine when I got 1st offer.
Immediately on the next day, the rear-view mirrors manufacturing company’s interview was there in which I had to make PPT in the company’s special format. After passing 1st interview there was a coding test and based on both 1st interview result and the coding test result were based. After two days result came in which I was on Top of the world seeing I was again selected 2nd company.
Getting selected from two companies it was very hard to decide which company to join. After deeply thinking about my career I selected 2nd company and soon will be joining in April 2023.

This could happen only and only because of my mentor, the wonderful team of FAST OFFER International, my parents, and my teachers, who always encouraged me. So this is not only my Success but, this is all OUR SUCCESS.

Once again a big Thank you to FAST OFFER International for giving me this opportunity and for the overwhelming support. It was truly an amazing experience.
That’s all this journey ends here and the following wonderful journey is going to begin in April 2023, when I will start to work in Japan. 楽しみにしております。



必要なハードウェア:電源スイッチ、ラズベリーパイ(Raspberrypi)、センサー、データを保存するのはクラウド(cloud)、それから、アプリを作るために、アンドロイドスタジオ(Android studio)、そのデータを保存するには、Mysqlが必要です。

必要なソフトウェア:アプリを作るために、アンドロイドスタジオ(Android studio)、そのデータを保存するのはMysqが必要です。



スコープ: 将来このパンデミックのように、ウイルスが存在したときに、私たちのプロジェクトは手伝うことができます。そして、パンデミックのなかでスマートなベッドは足りません。そのとき、このプロジェクトを行えば、ベッドの問題も解決します。毎月のメデェカルチェックに使い、前と現在の病院のデータを保存します。それに、自動的ですから、人間がいなくても大丈夫です。



 去年五月に一か月ぐらいのオンラインでインターンシップをしたことがありました。The Sparks foundationでDataScience and Business Analyticsをメインでやりました。このインターンシップメールに通じて八つタスクの中から五つのタスクをしなければなりません。タスクはAIMlのアルゲリズムです。例えばSupervisedやUnsupervisedやDecisionTreeなどがあります。タスクは、Jypter notebookでPython言語を使い、そのタスクの説明をしてビデオをLinkedinに投稿しました。ポストで説明してビデオとGithubのプログラミングのリンクを送り出します。


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