Pioneering cutting-edge semiconductor manufacturer

A female student at Yangon Technological University, majoring in electronic and communication engineering. She was interested in control and wireless communication, and in her graduation research, she performed simulations for optimizing the functions of Wifi antenna chips. Outside of studies, she actively participates in various activities such as social gatherings with Singaporean students, part-time teaching mathematics and English to elementary school students, and learning Japanese.



Yangon Technological University
Electronics and Telecommunication


Hello Everyone! This is my great pleasure to be here. First of all, I deeply appreciate every member of ASIA to JAPAN team for showing relentless effort in giving me this opportunity to work in Japan. I also would like to extend my uttermost gratitude to the team along with my success story.

I had dreamed about working in foreign countries since I was young. But I needed information on which to base my dream. Thanks to one of the job fairs at my university, I was highly motivated to study the Japanese language. Back in 2020, It was the time I was supposed to finish my Bachelor’s Degree in Electronic Engineering. Unfortunately, things did not happen how It was expected. Because of the corona outbreak and situations in Myanmar, the graduation had to be postponed and I was lost. But one thing I enjoyed doing during the pandemic period was learning Japanese. I still love to explore more about it and I am studying the N2 level at this moment. Thankfully, in this August of 2022, I was able to connect with ASIA to JAPAN and have already received the official job offer from the company which hired me. If there was no support from Asia to Japan team, I am pretty sure that I could not get over that fast. I once again would like to say thank you to the team.

As it is named as FAST OFFER International, it is quite fast to handle the procedures step by step. First, I was asked to build my profile on the assigned website. Second, I had a 30-minute-long online session with the admin staff from Asia to Japan. For an online session, a simple self-introduction and brief explanation of my study were needed to be prepared. Thirdly, if you pass this round too, you will be asked to submit a one-minute self-introduction video and your complete research paper with a summary included. And they post it on their website where many leading companies can find you at ease. After this step, you need to wait for some days as the companies are recruiting at all costs to hire the employees. Come this far, it is obvious that you need to prepare your self-introduction video which is going to be your first impression of yours. On the 17th of August, I was chosen by one of the Japanese companies in Kyoto prefecture.

Here I would like to mention my gratitude to my mentor. When I was asked to book an online mentoring session with my mentor, I was so excited. In reality, my mentor is really kind, and patient and it is worth calling him a mentor. It is also very interesting to communicate with a native Japanese speaker. I learned a lot from him. Not only my mentor but also Asia to Japan team members are very supportive as well. The interview was a two-step interview, the first interview was on the 29th of August and the final interview was on August 31st. Even after I passed the final interview, the team assists me with follow-up contact via email or line app.

Personally, it was such a big accomplishment for fresh graduate like me. I am warm-heartedly thankful for this opportunity which is always a noticeable remark in my career step. I am fortunate enough to get the chance to work with such a wonderful organization like【ASIA to JAPAN】.


私の卒業論文は無線通信と関係があるアンテナデザインです。ワイファイにアクセスするためはワイファイデバイスの中にマイクロストリップチップ があります。そのチップの形によってワイファイのスピード が違います。まずはソフトでマイクロストリップチップのデザインを決めることです。その後は 何回もシミュレーションしてもらったデータを分析することです。分析するとき様々な誘電体基板の高さで性能が一番いいデザインを選ぶことです。マイクロストリップパッチアンテナは、プリント回路基板上に製造された小型アンテナであり、組み込みシステムやアプリケーション自体に使用できます。このプロジェクトの目標は、薄型で製造が容易な低コストで指向性の高いアンテナを設計することでした。この論文の目的は、様々なアンテナパラメータを研究し、基板の高さとアンテナ性能に関する比較研究を思いつくことです.マイクロストリップパッチアンテナは、無線通信用途に好ましい。これは、低コストであり、市場調査における信頼性と需要でもよく知られているコンパクトなサイズのアンテナの一種です。しかし、それはその欠点として狭い帯域幅と低い利得を持つパラメータに敏感なアンテナです。これらの欠点を克服するために、マイクロストリップパッチアンテナ(Microstrip Patch Antenna)用の誘電体基板材料の高さが極めて重要である。本稿では、長方形マイクロストリップパッチアンテナの性能パラメータにおける高さの影響の比較研究を提示した。アンテナは、2.45GHzでのワイファイアプリのためにシミュレートされました。FR4の誘電体材料を使用した基本的なパッチアンテナが使用されています。同軸プローブ供給法は、供給技術に使用されます。では、VSWR、反射係数、帯域幅、インピーダンス、指向性、ゲインなどの性能パラメータの比較とともに、各パッチアンテナの幅、長さ、給電点の位置、グランド寸法などの設計パラメータにおける基板の高さの影響も示します。この研究は、FEKO、電磁ソルバーソフトウェアを使用して実施されました。このプロジェクトの目標は、基板の高さを変えたときの出力パラメータの性能を分析することでした。入力パラメータと出力パラメータの間で妥協した後、適切な仕様のアンテナを設計することができます。さらに、このアンテナのデザインは、低コストで指向性の高いアンテナであり、薄型で製造が容易でした。これらの仕様を満たす現在市場に出回っている高利得アンテナは高価です。同様の性能を持つ低コストのサプリメントの開発は、消費者を引き付けるでしょう。高さの変化に関する比較研究から、基板の高さを高くするだけでは効率の向上につながらないことがわかります。私の論文では、基板の高さを 1.6mmの誘電体材料が市場で入手しやすいFR4に保つ方が良いです、ハードウェアの実装は別の目標です。マイクロストリップパッチアンテナは、その低利得および帯域幅を有するので、その欠点を克服するために集中的な関心を保持するために、その弱点がさらに注目される。以上です。


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Savitribai Phule Pune University
Computer Science
Savitribai Phule Pune University
Electronics and Telecommunication
Savitribai Phule Pune University
Faculty of Foreign Languages
Peking University