supplier of weighing and packaging equipment for trade, industries, and logistics.

He studied mechanical engineering at university and is currently working as a technical engineer for Solidworks in Turkey. He came to Japan in 2018 and experienced a homestay in Fukuoka Prefecture for three months, so he is familiar with the Japanese lifestyle. He says to be aiming to get a job in Japan so that he can work not only with the knowledge he learned at university and also with his Japanese language skills. Fluent in English in addition to Turkish and Japanese.



Gaziantep University
Mechanical Engineering


Since my childhood, I have always been interested into Japan. I remember that I read every kind of information about Japan back then when internet was not that much popular. Then, I started to watch anime and Japanese movies, read manga, listen Japanese songs and talk to Japanese tourists with my limited English, no Japanese skills.
Even myself couldn’t understand why I have that much interest, but everything about Japan is so attractive to me.
I know Japan is very good at industry and I am interested in machines too. So, I thought that I would have more opportunities to live and work in Japan if I study engineering. As planned, I studied mechanical engineering in English.
I always searched a way to visit Japan and I want to see if it is really as I imagined or not. And, a chance came at 2018.
I randomly met Japanese tourists in the streets in Istanbul and we became very close friends. They invited me to Japan. I thought they were not serious but they invited me for real. Wow! Will I go to Japan? Finally see Japan? Just thinking about it made me super happy. I couldn’t believe that I was going to Japan until I got on the airplane. I still remember the day that I arrived Japan. That might be one of the happiest days in my life. I stayed in Japan on summer of 2018 for 3 months. It was unbelievable. And I can say that Japan was better than my imagination!
After I came back from Japan, there was only one thing in my head: living and working in Japan! I started to create my resume in both English and Japanese and applied for jobs from many websites. I asked myself what is necessary to find a job in Japan. First, Japanese skill. I started to study for JLPT. Second, some necessary and useful computer skills. I have gained some useful computer skills for my career. These made my resume strong. When my resume got stronger, I received more interview offers from the company.
Then, Covid-19 came from nowhere! Suddenly! And I was just graduated. Even those times, I kept applying for the jobs and had some interviews. However, I didn’t get any job offer. I was thinking about what was missing. I figured out that I was generally not well prepared for the interviews. Even if I spoke Japanese well, I couldn’t explain to interviewers why I wanted those jobs and appeal my qualifications.
I was about to lose my hopes about finding a job in Japan. And, I started to work in my country. I told myself to focus on learning as much as you can from your work, make your resume stronger, gain some work experiences and get JLPT N3 level in your first year. Don’t make yourself busy with anything else. And I really did like this.
After my first year of the job, I started to apply for the jobs in Japan again. Then I met with Fast Offer!
We held some online meeting. Even at the first meeting, I felt that they are different. They really tried to know me well. They seemed really eager to help me about finding a job in Japan. They wanted me to submit some documents like why I want to work in Japan and what my final year project is. And I really liked their style. The profile is being kept there and they introduce you to the companies. If a company is interested in your profile, they want to have an interview with you. And the interview process is fast. You don’t have to wait for several months to know about your results. It is being decided within a few days. I know waiting for the results is so tiring process. However, things go so fast with Fast Offer!
Here is the trick and what makes Fast Offer different than any other agents. They prepare you to the interviews and give you some tips. However, the most important part is they hold orientation session and assign you a mentor and it is super helpful for interviews! The mentor is special to you for that company’s interview and they hold some mock interview with you. If there are some weak points of you or things to be strengthen, your mentor is there for you! They really do their best for you to pass that interview. All you need to do is working on it as your mentor says!

One day I got a mail from Fast Offer. They said a company is interested in my skills and wants to have an interview with me. I got super excited and happy. Then I started to study for the interview. We hold an orientation session and mentoring session. They really prepared me well for the interview. Thanks to them, I was so comfortable and confident during interview. After finishing the interview, I felt like I did it, but of course I needed to wait for the result.
After a few days, it was said that I have passed the interview and got a job offer from the company! I was super happy to hear that! Is it really happening? Will I really work in Japan? Wow. It is my dream since my childhood and now it is becoming true! You can imagine how happy I am. That is what I have been working for many years.
I know living and working in Japan might have some difficulties too. However, it is a part of this journey! I am looking forward to live and work in Japan!
For overall, I think I applied for nearly 500 jobs and interviewed by 20 different companies in all these years. However, with Fast Offer, I interviewed 4 different companies and got a job offer from one of them in only 1 year. As you see, the percentage is pretty good.
Now, we are in the visa application process. After that, I will just be waiting the day to go to Japan.
I recommend Fast Offer to everyone who has a dream of working in Japan like me. Believe me, this is the way that leads you to Japan. You read my story, why don’t you write yours here?


私は子供の頃から機械や機械システムに興味を持っていました。 このため、私は機械工学を選びました。 複雑すぎても、その機械がどのように調和して機能するのかを常に知りたいと思っていました。
私のプロジェクトとして何か面白いものを研究したいとおもいました。そこで、 ジャイロスコープが頭に浮かびました。 それについて調べたところ、 それはとても興味深い働きをするメカニズムだと知りました。それは航空機、スペースシャトル、船などの現在の技術のために広く使われ、とても重要な装置です。
 ジャイロスコープを初めて見ると、その動作が少し奇妙であることがわかります。 重力などといった物理法則に違反しているようです。 ただし、これは主に角運動量保存の原理として機能します。 ジャイロスコープがどのように機能するのか、そしてその奇妙な振る舞いの物理的な説明は何かを知りたかったのです。
 次に、ジャイロスコープの定義について説明しました。 その機能、仕組み、技術的な詳細、使用法の重要性、およびその用途。 さらに、私は動的実験室で行ったいくつかの実験でこれらをサポートしました。 そうすることで、ジャイロスコープに関する私の理論的情報が実際の観測に変わりました。
 このプロジェクトの開始時に、航空や海軍での使用法など、ジャイロスコープに関する表面的な情報を知っていました。 しかし、私のプロジェクトの後、以前よりもはるかに多くのことを知っています。 その使用分野、技術的な説明、およびその機能を理解しています。
 ジャイロスコープは、さまざまな用途があるため興味深いものです。 また、物理学の1つの単純な側面を操作して、非常に多くのさまざまな状況に適合させる方法を見ることや、 回転体の動きは非回転体の動きとは非常に異なるため、ジャイロスコープの動き自体がおもしろいです。
 研究から、ジャイロスコープについて調べてみると、ジャイロスコープの重要性に気づきました。 それは古典的な物理法則に従って機能しますが、その効果は人類にとって本当に非常に役立ちます。 それは私たちにメカニックの可能性を示しています。


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