I have always thought of Japan as an amazing country. Japan, having an interesting culture let alone the advanced technology made me want to work in Japan. In the second year of the university, I participated in a joint program of Chulalongkorn University and Shibaura Institute of Technology and that’s where I got my opportunity to work with the native Japanese. And my desire to work in Japan grew even stronger. To be able to do that, I started looking for ways through which I could land myself a job in Japan and worked harder with my Japanese studies. Then, I got introduced to the FAST OFFER International Program (formerly Study Go Work JAPAN Program) jointly conducted by Chulalongkorn University and ASIA to JAPAN by one of my friends. I found my Japanese language proficiency increase after I enrolled to the FAST OFFER Int’l and got used to the Japanese interviewing system. After that, the job-hunting process began with OS interviews with ASIA to JAPAN staff. After the OS interview, I submitted the contents of the university project, slides, PR video, and an essay “Why I want to work in Japan”. At first, I saw the specialization fields of the students who previously got job through Asia to Japan to be “metallic material engineering”, etc. which gave me a little complex and made me nervous. But the ASIA to JAPAN staff helped me make my Final Year Project appealing to the companies. After the application, I interviewed for D. company and Y. company and to be able to pass the interview rounds, Okumura-san and I, worked hard at researching about these respective companies for around 2-weeks. Okumura-san really helped me a lot by checking the answers that I gave to the questions during the interviews, giving me a few pieces of advice, and boosting my confidence. I got to know more about the companies through the ASIA to JAPAN orientation and the “company information sessions”. With all these efforts put in, I was on cloud nine when I got to know that I had cleared my interview for D. company and that they wanted to recruit me! All of this could only happen because the ASIA to JAPAN staff was there to support me through all times; my Japanese studies, job-hunting, interview preparations, and all of this couldn’t have been possible if not for ASIA to JAPAN! ありがとうございました。
私はコーヒーを飲むのが好きで、私が求めるコーヒーの味にするには豆を砕くコーヒーミルの刃のデザインが大事だと仮説を立てました。また、企業における研究内容は一般的に公開されていないので、このプロジェクトを研究することでコーヒーミルの刃の品質向上に貢献したいと思いました。そこでまず、シミュレーションを実行し、コーヒー豆粉砕時の粒子挙動を解析しました、その結果コーヒー豆を砕く過程は3段階に分けられます。次にFine grinding zoneの幅が違う二つの刃を作りました。この二つの刃でコーヒー豆を砕き、出てきたコーヒー粉の粒度分布を測定しました。実験結果からFine grinding zone の幅が大きいと出てくるコーヒー粉の粒径値が低く、より大きさが安定することが分かりました。この卒業論文でシミュレーションを一からやり方を研究し、実行した事でこれからは様々な場面でシミュレーションを活用することができます。