Computer Science

Anime Dreams to Academic Realities: Securing My Future with Japanese Companies

Computer Science
University of Science Malaysia

Tech Dreams Fueled by Japanese Animation: An Indian's Journey to Employment in Japan

Computer Science
Savitribai Phule Pune University

"Even if your steps are small and slow, if you keep working hard at your own pace, one day, you will reach your goal."

Computer Science
Dalian Maritime University

“Difficulties in job hunting or adapting to a new culture are inevitable, but they pave the way for personal growth.”

Computer Science
Maharishi Dayanand University

"During the interview session in September, I received offers from two companies"

Computer Science
Bandung Institute of Technology

“I chose to work for a company where I could pursue what I wanted to do”

Computer science
University of Madras

"Within about 2 days after the last interview, I got an offer from the company"

Computer Science
University of California, Irvine

"Just do it! Don't be afraid of failure and move forward"

Computer Science
Institut Teknologi Bandung

"Working alongside the team, I learned essential values such as dedication and punctuality"

Computer Science
Savitribai Phule Pune University

"With hard work and perseverance, you will eventually find success"

Computer Science
Savitribai Phule Pune University